DNA Barcoding Project Portal

Sign in to account

Sign in to create student teams and submit research proposals.

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[Returning mentors: if this is your first time signing in on this new site, please reset your password. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password.]

Create a portal account

If you have completed training, but have not yet mentored students in a DNALC barcoding program, create a DNA Barcoding Project Portal Account to create and manage student teams, submit research proposals, receive alerts, request equipment and/or reagents, and sign up for Open Labs.

Create an account

How can I participate?

Science teachers must attend a DNA Learning Center DNA barcoding training workshop to participate. Once trained, teachers can register for a DNA Barcoding Project Portal account where they can create and manage student teams, submit proposals, receive alerts, request equipment/reagents, and sign up for Open Labs.

Trained teachers can mentor teams of 2-4 students in grades 9-12. Teachers must be willing to spend sufficient time with student teams to bring projects to completion. Programs begin with project proposal submission in early fall and conclude at project symposia in late May or early June.

Learn more about barcoding at the DNALC


Explore barcoding programs