By experimenting and analyzing how prevalent invertebrate disease vectors are in New York City soil, we will be able to explore similar environmental problems occurring throughout the Northeast. For example, with its many forests, the soils of Upstate’s New York wooded areas attract large numbers of deer ticks, especially during the summer season. Research shows that over 30% of these deer ticks carry pathogens that lead to Lyme disease. Due to climate change, invertebrate disease vectors, such as deer ticks, are moving farther up north and we know they can hibernate over winter. As a result of warmer winters, this activity is expected to increase. New York City, containing nearly 43% of the New York state’s population, would represent a huge chunk of data regarding these invertebrate disease vectors. By researching the prevalence of invertebrate disease vectors living in New York City, we can make connections to existing issues throughout the Northeast. Our goal with our research