Urban Barcode Project Team Team Bugs
Urban Barcode Project
Research Topic:
Biodiversity & trade
Taxonomic Group Studied:
Animals: Invertebrate


Evaluating biodiversity in a Batesian model and mimics in three habitats on Randall's Island
Meredith Metz, Rose Posternak, Mia Seshadri
Ethical Culture Fieldston School, The Bronx
Abigale Koppa


In this experiment, we plan to collect three species from the family Lygaeidae: Lygaeus turcicus, the false milkweed bug (FMB), Lygaeus kalmii, the small milkweed bug (SMB), and Oncopeltus fasciatus, the large milkweed bug (LMB). Our purpose is to determine the impact of the habitat type and host plant species on the number of each milkweed bug species found on Randall’s Island. Additionally, we aim to study Batesian mimicry (the FMB is the mimic and the SMB is the model). Our research question is: How do the habitat type and host plant species affect the number of small, large, and false milkweed bugs we will find on Randall’s Island? To do this, we will collect these species from three habitats (Freshwater Meadow, Freshwater Wetland, and Little Hell Gate Salt Marsh) on Randall’s Island, isolate the DNA, amplify it using PCR, and analyze it through gel electrophoresis. After the DNA is extracted, amplified, and analyzed, we will create a graph depicting the number of each milkwe


Team samples: