Urban Barcode Research Project Team Avian Adventurers
Urban Barcode Research Project
Research Topic:
Wildlife & health
Taxonomic Group Studied:


Survelliance of RNA viruses in bird fecal samples
Damely Abreu, Gissette Noriega
Manhattan Center For Science and Mathematics, Manhattan
Meagan McMahon


Wild birds play an integral role in public health because they carry zoonotic (a disease that normally exists in animals, but can be transmitted to humans) pathogens, either as a reservoir host or by dispersing infected arthropod vectors. When seasons change from Fall/winter to Spring/Summer in New York City (NYC), migrating birds return and may bring foreign diseases with them. In a highly populated area, like NYC, the chance of humans becoming infected (as a result of bird to human transmission) is increased. Birds can commonly be infected with RNA viruses such as New Castle Disease, West Nile Detecting the presence of RNA viruses in the fecal samples* is therefore integral to understand the prevalence of these diseases in NYC and how they could affect NYC in the future. *Any viruses in fecal samples will most likely be non-infectious and do not pose a risk to human health.


DNA Barcoding Poster
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