Urban Barcode Research Project Team Estrobolome and Multiple Sclerosis
Urban Barcode Research Project
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Assessing the role of the estrobolome and microbial beta-glucuronidases in Multiple Sclerosis
Arthur Liang, Amanda Zhong
Stuyvesant High School, Manhattan
Victoria Ruiz


The human microbiome, harboring various microorganisms with immunoprotective mechanisms, is heavily linked with multiple sclerosis (MS) which is a chronic and progressive autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. Studies have observed that there are specific microbial taxa differences in the microbiota of MS patients and some have established a clear link between estrogen variants and MS. There has not yet been a study that characterizes the interplay between β-glucuronidase-producing microorganisms and MS, but doing so may elucidate hormonal and immunological mechanisms underlying MS pathogenesis. In this study, we assess the estrobolome to identify the impact of ß-glucuronidase gene expression on the pathogenesis of MS. This will be done by characterizing microbiota populations and performing a whole genome analysis calibrated to population abundance to generate β-glucuronidase gene counts and thus allow for pairwise comparison between MS patients and healthy controls.


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