Barcode Long Island Team Peter, Aydan, JP
Barcode Long Island
Research Topic:
Biodiversity & trade
Taxonomic Group Studied:
Animals: Invertebrate


The relationship between biodiversity and dissolved oxygen levels
Jean Parnell, Aydan Cowan, Peter Ruiz II
Long Island Lutheran, Island Trees High School, Nassau
Emma Courtney


When reviewing current literature, one can find there is a crisis with biodiversity in many of our nation’s biomes and ecosystems. This imbalance of diversification can cause damage to these fragile ecosystems in ways like weakening food chains (since it would be the easier of a species was more alike for them to be killed off at the same time) to allow prey items to build up their populations to the point those populations begin to run out of food themselves. This instability in these ecosystems may start off concentrated only in their area, but as such effects worsen, the consequences could reach beyond that ecosystem and into others, contributing damage to the global food supply and our economy. As an example of such cause and effect, one can look to trees. As tree variety lowers in the world, said trees become more susceptible to disease, which can lead them to die faster, in greater amounts. As studies have shown, when trees die, they release portions of their stored carbon-diox


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