Barcode Long Island Team Fun Fungi
Barcode Long Island
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Evolutionary Perspectives of Fungal Garden Microbial Diversity Across Various Species of Fungus-Farming Ants (Formicidae: Attini
Vedant Rawat, Sofia Maragos
Friends Academy, Nassau
Jennifer Newitt


Leafcutter ants comprise 47 species in the genus, for example Atta, Acromyrmex, and Trachymyrmex develop symbiotic relationships with fungi they grow. The bacteria differs based on ant species which has taxonomic benefits as it allows for better identification of ants and fungi. According to McGill University's Ada Mcvean, Leafcutter ants grow the fungi with the help of leaves as fertilizer for the fungi. In addition to the support of fungal growth, leaf cutter ants can protect the fungi from pests, molds, decay, and garbage(Mcvean). Fungi help the leafcutter ants as they act as a food source for the ant larvae; however, the adult ants do not feed on the fungi because they obtain nutrients through the sap from leaves. According to Douglas Woodham, On the ant, a certain bacteria, Pseudonocardia, grows (Woodham). The purpose of the Bacteria is to prevent disease from spreading to the ants and their fungal gardens, which allows them to develop through generations without the dangers of di


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