Barcode Long Island Team The Natalies
Barcode Long Island
Research Topic:
Wildlife & health
Taxonomic Group Studied:
Animals: Invertebrate


Barcoding the Peconic River
Natalie Reid, Scarlett Melia, Fallon McKenna, Sophie Rambelle
Eastport South Manor HS, Suffolk
Robert Bolen


Due to COVID 19 we are not able to collect the samples ourselves, and observe first-hand all the microorganisms living in the river. Fortunately, we were able to use the samples from last year that were not sequenced and send them out for DNA sequencing. The gene that we are barcoding is the co1 gene. We use the co1 gene for barcoding because it can be used to identify animal species. This gene sequence is suitable for this role because it’s mutation rate is fast enough to distinguish closely related species. This will allow us to measure the biodiversity within the Peconic Estuary by determining the overall diversity within the samples we obtained. In the past, the Peconic Estuary has developed and changed a significant amount due to human activities. These activities have increased the amount of nitrogen, introduced non-native species, and reduced oxygen levels which could not sustain many different species. Scientists have concluded that asphyxiation was the cause of the fish kill


DNA Barcoding Poster
View team poster (PDF/PowerPoint)

Team samples: