Phosphorus is a nutrient often used within fertilizers. However, excess phosphorus found in fertilizer runoff can damage plant growth. The littoral region of a body of water is the region of water up to two feet of depth. We hypothesize that bodies of water with higher phosphorus concentrations will have less plant biodiversity in the littoral region. To determine the concentration of phosphorus in freshwater bodies, we will be using a test kit that shows concentrations from 0 ppb – 2500 ppb. We determined that Hempstead Lake State Park and Grant Pond are freshwater bodies located close to residential buildings, making them good for sample collection. We will be isolating the DNA of these plant samples, and then sequencing the gene samples. We will then use the Simpson’s Diversity Index to determine the biodiversity of each lake in comparison to the phosphorus concentration. This should show the relationship between phosphorus pollution and plant biodiversity.