Barcode Long Island Team The Tormentors
Barcode Long Island
Research Topic:
Biodiversity & trade
Taxonomic Group Studied:
Animals: Invertebrate


Identifying Aedes Atlanticus and Aedes Tormentor Through DNA Barcoding
Yosef Naser, Evan Fernandez
Archbishop Molloy High School, Queens
Mary Mallia


The Aedes genus of mosquitoes is native to both Africa and America and some species like Aedes Aegypti were brought to this hemisphere through trade along the Atlantic Ocean. However, Aedes- both native and invasive- have a stronghold in the southern United States and California, so due to the climate and marshes of Long Island, these mosquitoes are native to Long Island as well, being an important part of the region’s ecosystem. Although Aedes Tormentors are relatively harmless and are not vectors for any diseases, Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti can transport many diseases to humans such as Dengue and Zika. These mosquitoes are also common in urban areas as human activity in cities provides ideal conditions for these mosquitoes to breed. We plan to identify the mosquitoes through an initial visual analysis to determine if there are any noticeable differences to the naked eye between Aedes Atlanticus/Tormentor. Subsequently, we will use DNA barcoding to differentiate further and


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