Citizen DNA Barcode Network (CDBN)

One goal of CDBN is to populate DNA sequence databases, like GenBank, with previously unpublished DNA barcodes for ant, beetle, and mosquito species. Our target species lists include organisms known to exist in a particular location, but whose DNA barcode sequence has not yet been documented. CDBN participants are encouraged to seek out these organisms!

Target species lists are modified in real time – check back frequently for updates.

Target Species Lists

Click on a state to view a list of target species:

Some target species may be difficult to collect or find. Participants should always collect samples safely.


The DNALC would like to thank collaborators of the Unofficial iNaturalist Discord Server for helping to develop and maintain these lists, especially Michael Pirrello, Richard Jacob, Kayla Echols, C.A. Clark, and Mason Maron. Information to develop the lists was obtained from iNaturalist, GenBank, the Barcode of Life Database, BugGuide, and other internet resources.