DNA Barcoding–Program Outcomes
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2023 - 24
Student Research Projects
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Collecting Aquartic Samples in the Massapequa Preserve
Donny McNeilly, Devin Vignola, Nicholas Alini, Blake Pulley
Massapequa Ames High School
A day in the creek
Ioannis Mastoros, Lia Ranieri, Benjamin VanCura
Massapequa Ames High School
Using DNA barcoding to identify species of samples thought to be Aedes sollicitans and Aedes dorsalis
Benjamin Brass, Henry Zhao
Cold Spring Harbor High School
Bioblitz of Ants in a Nature Study Area at Friends Academy in Locust Valley, NY
Marina Krichmar, Caz Costagliola
Friends Academy
Comparison of Biodiversity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates of Garvies Point, Glen Cove and Hecksher Park, Huntington using DNA Bar
Elif Turan, Umut Turan
Glen Cove High School
Expedition: Aquatic Invertebrate DNA Barcoding
Vincent Cafiso, Jack Cain
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School
Impact of non-Point Source Pollution on the Benthic Macro-invertebrates of the Carlls River
Gianna Simo, Eiman Rehman, Mario Pusey
North Babylon Research
Green Fluorescence Protein Zooxanthellae Diversity
Mason Peretson, Nathalie Alvarez, Frederick Feraco
Walt Whitman Highschool
How Does Biodiversity in Ant Species Compare in Areas With and Without Pesticide Application at Friends Academy, Locust Valley,
Alexander Pietraru, Logan Alvarez, Teah Login
Friends Academy
Measuring the Biodiversity of Freshwater Invertebrates in Ponds With and Without Duckweed Blooms at Shu Swamp, Mill Neck, NY
Katherine Goldstein, Daniella Berritto
Friends Academy
Peconic Estuary Aquatic Invertebrate Sample Collection and Analysis for DNA Barcoding
Brooke Stimpson, Sarah Benson, Serenity Wiegman
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School
A Continuation of the Analysis of the Cattail Mosquito Population in Suffolk County
Nicholas Guido, Anthony Abruzzino
Chaminade High School
Prevalence of Disease Carrying Mosquitoes on Long Island
Gabrielle DeCapua, Michael Fabbri
Connetquot High School
Biodiversity of Insect Larvae During Fall and Spring in the Garden City Bird Sanctuary
Hannah Lam, Jennifer Roller
Garden City High School
Using DNA Barcoding to Assess the Biodiversity of Macroinvertebrates in the Peconic River
Olivia Marx, Sophia Rivera, Olivia Pfeffer, Lucille Romaine
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School
Ants as a Bioindicator of Land Pollution Near Grumman
Alexa Maraboli, Molly Byrne
St. Dominic High School
Effect of Human Activity Upon Ant Diversity at The Stony Brook School
Jun Chen (Jason) Qian, Jason Cho
The Stony Brook School
DNA barcoding of aquatic interebrates
Natalie Byrns, Chloe Jun
Massapequa Ames High School
Specimen analysis of Massapequa Preserve
Patrikios Constanti, Jeffry Petracca
Massapequa Ames High School
Longitudinal study of Soil Invertebrate Diversity Impacted by Southern Pine Beetle
Gianna Simo, Eiman Rehman, Aanya Dhamija, Arlene Lopez
N.Babylon HS Research DNA
The Biodiversity of Ants Near Turf Fields vs. Natural Grass Fields on Campus at Friends Academy, Locust Valley, NY
Sophia Diaz, Jack Byrnes
Friends Academy
An Investigation of Cryptic Species of Owl Butterflies at Long Island Aquarium Using DNA Barcoding
Kasey Miller, Kasey Miller
Glen Cove High School
Massapequa Creak Aquatic Barcoding
Abigail Matheis, Rhyan O'Leary, Aleyna Saygili
Massapequa Ames High School
Soil Invertebrates of Pine barrens Post Vascular Destruction and Defoliated by Southern Pine Beetles
Alejandro Palma Blanco, Jordan Peck, Dylan Peck, Kaeden Hannan
North Babylon Research
DNA Barcoding of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
Isla Sikinger, Anya McGrath
Massapequa Ames High School
A comparison of leech biodiversity on steep and gradual sloped banks of a pond
Nathan Schaefer, Timothy Murphy, Timothy Nigrel
Shoreham-Wading River High School
Biodiversity of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates Between a Pond With and Without a Fountain
Conner McVeigh, Spencer Lee
Shoreham-Wading River High School
Malaise Trapping By-Catch Biodiversity
Charles Clague, Richie Colasonno
Chaminade High School
Identification of Different Mosquito Species Across Long Island, New York using DNA Barcoding
Adnan Adzemovic, Barbara Benitez, Rose Tursi, Michelle Pinilla
Glen Cove High School
The effect of soil moisture on the biodiversity of myriapods on Long Island
Tyler Tjaden, Colin Linzer, Joaquin Martin
Lynbrook High School
Analyzing DNA Barcodes to Identify Macroinvertebrates
Brendan Fabian, Anthony Bruno, Aidan Lee, Benjamin Grausso
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School
Ant Biodiversity Within the Holtsville Wildlife and Ecology Center Serving as Indicators of Harmful Substances to Humans
Carlo Costigliola, Ceania Gonzales
Patchogue-Medford High School
The relationship between biodiversity and dissolved oxygen levels
Jean Parnell, Aydan Cowan, Peter Ruiz II
Long Island Lutheran, Island Trees High School
An assessment of ecosystem biodiversity through diatoms
Lucas Burachio, Joie Jean-Paul, Ava Bier, Chelsea Hollingsworth
Portledge School
Diversity and Seasonality of Ptinidae if the Three Village area.
Alexander Doboli, Zhaojin (David) Guo, Boya Zhang, Qingyuan (Harry) Zhang
The Stony Brook School
Biodiversity of Diatoms in synthetic and natural conditions
Seoyoung Shin, Isabel Guo Isabel Guo, Yeonbin.(Ivy) Sung
The Stony Brook School
DNA Barcoding of Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
Liam Chernick, Nikolas Cavallo, Gavin Horigan, Dylan Raghubeer
Massapequa Ames High School
Effect of Non-Point Source Pollution on Invertebrate Saltmarsh Diversity
Autumn Lahjala, Olivia Russo, Mario Pusey, Taha Gokturk
North Babylon Research
Impact of Aquatic Invasive Plant on Macroinvertebrate Biodiversity
Dean Smith, Vance Bradley, Declan Doran
Connetquot High School
Investigating the Occurrence of Invasive Fly Species, Sayville NY
Nadia Moosa, Ethan Entenberg, Shelby Munchgesang, Julia Sack
Sayville High School
Seasonal Variability of Macroinvertebrates in the waters of Brookside County Park, Sayville NY
Abby Breen, Kayleigh Hillery, Sara Stewart, Riley Wilson
Sayville High School
Using DNA Barcoding to determine the relationship between spider silk strength and spider species
Pravigna Unguturu, Gia Pisani, Amelia Doxsee, Alana Carpenter
Sayville High School
Human Infrastructure Moderates Ant Diversity of Wantagh
Fiona McQuillan, Krista Dowling, Hailey O'Brien
Wantagh High School
An Investigation of the Biodiversity of Aquatic Macro invertebrates in Garvies Point using DNA Barcoding
Giselle Maldonado, Maverick Salgado, Alex Rynkowski
Glen Cove High School
The effect of soil texture on isopods near the ocean
Jaime Pereira, Sami Mohammed, Devin Byrne, Timothy Neri
Lynbrook High School
The effect of soil water saturation on the biodiversity of ant species
Brandon Haviken, Naseer Gaffoor, Max Martinez, Aidan Michaels
Lynbrook High School
The effect of car pollution on the biodiversity of beetles
Katie Murray, Uma Khurrum, Kira Diament
Roslyn High School
Evaluating the effect of topography on the biodiversity of beetles on Long Island using DNA barcoding
Cathlyne Cueto, Elin Kim, Lara Vardar, Sofia Michelakos
Lynbrook High School
The effect of soil moisture on the biodiversity of beetles on long island
Ashian Islam, Blake Jaworowski
Lynbrook High School
DNA Barcoding of Peconic River Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
Kainoa Bosch, Matthew Keller, Jeffery Smith, John Palina
Eastport South Manor Junior-Senior High School
Native and Invasive mosquito species on the Conscience Bay Shore, Long Island
Raphael Popescu, Mark Marinescu, Jack Lu, Semih Ustaoglu
The Stony Brook School
DNA barcoding aquatic macroinvertebrates at the Massapequa preserve
Christopher Maiorino, Lucas Rumberg, Alexander Green, Cole Madden
Massapequa Ames High School
A Bioblitz of Beetles on the Designed Nature Habitat Area on the Friends Academy Campus in Locust Valley, NY
Jonathan Almendares, Blaise Saad, Isaiah Popoola
Friends Academy
Effect of Human Waste Sites on the Biodiversity of Ants
Kevin Gierloff, Jaden McKay
Connetquot HS
Impact of Proximity to Water on the biodiversity of earthworms
April Haarke, Conor Raleigh, Jaiden Flores Llera
Shoreham-Wading River High School